K-9 educates Northeast Florida's new and experienced dog owners whether they are introducing a puppy to the family or giving a home to an older dog. K-9 members that are certified by the AKC to instruct "S.T.A.R. Puppy" and "Canine Good Citizen" share their expertise and experience with owners, regardless of their dogs' breed, to educate our community in well-mannered dog behavior. Many other classes are offered for Family Dog, Advanced Puppy, as well as ongoing higher level training classes in Nosework, Obedience, and Rally. Seminars, general meetings with speakers on educational topics, and classes are held at the K-9 Obedience facility. The facility has three regulation size rings for educating dog owners, training, and hosting AKC trials.
Equipment is club owned for all member and class use.
Equipment is club owned for all member and class use.
How to enroll in a class at K-9
5. If you are unsure as to which class might be best for you and your dog, email [email protected] or Samantha Giacalone at [email protected] include the following:
If the class you want is full, you will be put on the waiting list when/if the class is offered again
- Check out the Training Classes page for descriptions of classes that we offer. If you don’t know what class would be best for you and your dog, please go here: Which Class Should I Take
- If you know which class you wish to take, to find out when the class you have selected is being offered, go to Class Schedule page
- If you know the class in which you wish to enroll, send an email to [email protected] stating the following:
- 2.Your dog’s breed and age
- 3.The name of the class (for example STAR PUPPY)
- 4 The instructor’s name
- 5. The month and date the class begins
- 6. The time of day the class is offered.
5. If you are unsure as to which class might be best for you and your dog, email [email protected] or Samantha Giacalone at [email protected] include the following:
- 1. your name and best email address
- 2. dog's breed and age
- 3. previous class(es) taken (if any)
If the class you want is full, you will be put on the waiting list when/if the class is offered again

K-9 is a small (not for profit) club offering a limited number of classes taught by qualified and knowledgable instructors.
Our classes fill quickly.
Early enrollment will help to ensure a place in one of our classes.